The so-called Porsche effect where an academic launches a venture because his colleague purchased a posh new car from proceeds of the business is an urban myth .
Pretty sure that 's an urban myth .
Surely an urban myth , I hear you cry .
It is an urban myth .
The fact that HIV virus can penetrate an intact condom is also an urban myth .
Business requirements become an urban myth , rumored to exist within the organization , but somehow melting away under the light of scrutiny .
And what 's that about not eating the little black bit at the end because it can cause cancer ? Urban myth or not , I tend to avoid it .
The urban myth about cheese causing bad sleep has been disproved by the British Cheese Board , with cheese before bedtime causing no problems for 72 % of a test group .
There is now overwhelming evidence to suggest that menstrual synchrony in humans is no more than a quirk derived from a study using flawed methods that has since turned into an urban myth .
Pasteur 's germ theory of fermentation goes a little deeper than the five second rule , but some researchers in Britain say that rule is not entirely an urban myth . Here 's what they did : they dropped food on the floor for different amounts of time .
That is an urban myth . Initially , Hitler wore his mustache long , in the popular handlebar style . But , while fighting in The Great War , it would get in the way of his gas mask . So he trimmed it down to fit . And kept it like that .
An urban food myth contends that if food spends just a few seconds on the floor , dirt and germs won 't have much of a chance to contaminate it .
Urban relationship myth . Unbelievable fairy tales concocted by women * to make their love lives seem less hopeless .